Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The best Global news I have heard in a while...

Those of you who do know me have probably heard me spewing vitriol and and making angry (empty) threats towards British Petrol ever since they massively fucked over our entire global eco-system by hiring a bunch of unqualified workers to man that oil rig down in the Gulf.

Today seems to be the start of some good news coming from those BP asshats. Seems things have finally been settled, seems being the operative word. Now this isnt really going to do much to repair BPs image, but at least the environment won't in all likeliness be getting any worse from this. I'm no expert, but everything I have heard says that the damage done already is irreversible. It breaks my heart knowing that I might never get to swim with sharks like I wanted to, the way some experts are talking.

The well that was spewing toxic oil into the gulf which resulted in BP using toxic dispersants to hide how bad it was, well, it has been capped and looks to be over and done with, Good Job (for once) BP.

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